Matic in the City

Monday, August 01, 2005

Welcome to my blog.

Greetings friends, family and strangers.

I've thought about starting a blog for over a year now and never got around to it. Then my friend "Pablo Perez" started a blog this weekend (check him out at and I figured "why the hell not?" I've got some stuff to say and I'm sure my friends are bored with hearing me rant and rave about my pet peeves and the people at work and boys and why they're a pain in the ass and . . . well, the list goes on.

First things first, let's get some stuff out of the way:

Who am I?
Cute black girl living in NYC trying to make a dollar outta fifteen cents ;) Leo (my birthday's this weekend). Ivy educated (boola boola). Twisted sense of humor - for a long time my signature for my email account was "I'm the kind of [girl] who laughs at a funeral. Can't understand what I mean? You soon will" because I really identify with that line because that is some shite I would do.

What do I do?
I work for the man. Sigh . . . I work in the legal department of a pharmaceutical company. What can I say, it pays the bills. I go to film school at NYU and am studying cinematography. That's what I want to do when I grow up.

What do I like?
Films (duuuuh). TV - Cannot wait for the new seasons of Lost, Alias and Veronica Mars. Music - all kinds. I like to say that I'm a Rock 'n Roll girl with a Hip Hop sensibility. It makes for some very interesting (read eclectic) mix cds. I like to box and I like to dance. I do both at my gym (yay NYSC!). I like to read but don't get to do it often enough. Well, I mean, I made time to read the new Harry Potter but that's different :) (It was so good, by the way). Basically, I'm an entertainment junkie . . . and proud of it!

My blog mission statement
I don't really plan on doing this every day. I mean, that's a lot of work. I'm not much of a writer and work lately has been a giant thrombing pain in my . . . its been very busy. My goal is to try to post a little something every couple of days and to make it be more interesting than "Work sucks today" . . . though there may be some times when that will just need to be said.

That's all for now. I may rant and rave later. I may not. You'll just have to wait and see.

Come back soon.

Da Matic


At 12:14 PM, Blogger Pablo Perez said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging...and thanks for the shout out!

At 9:23 PM, Blogger That's me said...

Hey Da Matic... Hope ya dig it... Been writing blogs for as long as I can remember and you never get sick of it... Scary how I operate four different blogs I update almost everyday. Such a great release...

Good luck!

At 6:50 PM, Blogger City Doll said...

Welcome to blogging! I am sure that you will enjoy it!

(Friend of pablo perez)


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